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Express yourself. Showcase your talent.

This is a compilation of everything I've ever programmed ever. It includes the game, information about the game, and what I would do to improve said game.

Python Games

You can find this game here.

About this website

This is a collection of python games that I made. Most of these are projects made to complete specific challenges or acted as demos for future projects. I truly apologize for attaching a compilation to a compilation.

What I would change

Wow that's tough! I sure am uncertain what I would change! If only there was a website I made that is much more recent and fixes any problem that I have with my previous compilation of stuff that I made I sure do wonder what that would look like hmmmmmmmmm.

Year created

Throughout high school but mostly freshman year

Blue Box

You can find this game here.

About this game

Blue Box is a platformer where your goal is to destroy the sun. It has many creative mechanics, such as granting the player the ability to swap gravity, the ability to pause moving parts of a stage, and the ability to travel to a different time period in select stages. These mechanics are cool and all, but these mechanics are all that Blue Box really has. It relies solely on over arching mechancis and the individual level design isn't too interesting. Despite this, there are a few cool stand out levels (most of them coming from boss fights). An example of this would be Andrew Cuomo riding a koopa clown car. You have to spam the space key (which in the game is considered voting for him) while also avoiding his attacks. How nifty. By the way, I'll let you in on a little secret. If you press C before pressing any other button, you can't take damage and the stages become much easier.

What I would change

The physics, while functional, are super sloppy. Instead of having the acceleration added to the velocity, which is added to the distance, I would just use a parabola if I were to make it now. Also, the website is pretty gross, so I would make it look nice.

Year created

Freshman year

Blue Sphere

You can find this game here.

About this game

Blue sphere is a platformer where your goal is to kill the sun (I have a vendeta against him). This game kind of acts as a 3D blue box, with similar mechanics and physics as well as repeating worlds and bosses. Unlike blue box, the level design here is actually good. For example, one of my favorite levels involves a bunch of cars randomly steering off road into a cliff, and you have to go across the cliff which keeps you on your toes. This level also acts as a good escalation of the car mechanic, which is consistently the main source of danger throughout level 2. Another level involves the moon sending down aestroids and you having to hit aestroids back, which is an escelation of ability to attack other objects. Also, there is a level where the camera fights against you, and you have to beat it by grabbing the camera back and shaking it so that it gets launched far away. The game tries to be meta by including a "glitchy" section, where the mechanics are all mixed up. The world is also far more connected due to the level select screen.

What I would change

Blue sphere was also made in my pre-kinematics era, and it's physics are identical to blue box's. One problem that is also in blue box but is way more pronounced here is that the jump cycle only completes if you hold the space key. This makes the jumping feel attrocious, since the velocity is just set to zero and you immediately fall. This all makes the jump feel choppy. To fix all these issues, I would make the jump follow a parabola and condense the parabola to make it fall faster.

Year created

Sophmore Year

The Elements

You can find this game here.

About this game

This game uses the same physics and cheat codes as blue box. It shares a few levels too, but is still distinguishable as its own thing. This game has far better level design. My favorite level here is the moon boss fight where you have to hit aestroids that are shot from the background. I only had a week to make this for the kidOYO 2023 hackathon (which we won), so considering that I think it came out pretty well.

What I would change

All of my problems with blue box apply to this game as well.

Year created

Sophmore Year

SAT Blitz

You can find this game here.

About this website

It's about time somebody organized all the questions from the SAT question bank reading section gameified it. I'm hoping it will overtake the real SAT as the biggest standardized test. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to report your Blitz SAT score on the common app, but that won't stop me! You see, I'm sharing this website with colleges, and so colleges will likely see whatever I put here. That's why I will report my blitz SAT score right here. My best blitz SAT score is 460. Thank you and goodbye.

What I would change

I just made this, so I don't have much I would change. If I did want to change something, I would have done it already.

Year created

Senior year